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Indepth Insights for your business


Customer Perceptions is delighted to partner with ParentsandBrands to bring this new service to our Clients.

Discover why customers behave the way they do and gain valuable feedback. We work with you to design insights to get right to the heart of what your customers need through a smart blend of tried and tested Mystery Shopping and Consumer Panels.

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Our brand partner

From the award-winning team at MyKidsTime, ParentsandBrands works with businesses and brands to get insights from parents to help them connect, build trust and grow sales. ParentsandBrands offers a unique combination of highly engaged parents and marketing expertise resulting in stronger connections between parents and brands, for mutual benefits. Panel participants are not remunerated: they give feedback because they want to be marketed to in a better way.

By getting new and better insights into this key consumer segment and understanding the “Why” rather than just stats, brands are able to build that all-important brand connection to get more customers, keep the ones they have and build more profitable relationships with them. ParentsandBrands works with companies of every size, from start-ups to major multinationals, delivering bespoke research quickly and at a reasonable cost.

benefits of indepth analysis

improve sales

By knowing what matters to your customers, you can directly react to what makes them tick.

IDentify opportunties

Learn about potential new categories/products that shoppers want.

Eliminate waste

Ditch what's not working/selling.

improve customer service

Measure, improve and standardise customer service levels across your network.

enhance training programmes

Identify gaps in current training programmes to ensure they are updated and relevant going forward.

Reward and recognise

Reward and encourage positive staff behaviours.

How it works?

Step One - Exploratory Workshop
Exploratory Workshop
We meet to discuss your objectives, your pain points & what you hope to achieve. We work with you and your team to understand the key areas you want to focus on so we can design the research optimise the outcomes.
Step 1
Step One - Exploratory Workshop
Step 2 - Mystery Shopping Round 1
Mystery Shopping Round 1
We run a mystery shopping programme to gain insights into your current performance and delve further into areas for improvement and what is doing well.
Step 2
Step 2 - Mystery Shopping Round 1
Step 3 - Consumer Panel Runs
Consumer Panel Runs
We run a 2-day panel with 20 consumers asking them four in-depth questions to help drill into an area of the retail experience that Mystery Shoppers identified as an issue or a potential opportunity.
Step 3
Step 3 - Consumer Panel Runs
Step 4 - Mystery Shopping Round 2
Mystery Shopping Round 2
We will run a further Mystery Shopping Programme for you to measure the effectiveness of any actions/training plans you have put in place based on the results of the consumer panels.
Step 4
Step 4 - Mystery Shopping Round 2
Step 5 - Results and Reporting
Results and Reporting
A detailed report will be presented to you and your team on the findings of the programme which will include actions going forward.
Step 5
Step 5 - Results and Reporting

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Indepth Insights